
I'm extremely glad that I took this one year break, to sort out my thoughts, to experiment and do all the things  that I want. If not now, when?

I don't want to jump into something just for the sake of doing it. I've had enough of being tied down to obligations for the past year. Doing this and that because I'm expected to, the only set of expectations that I'll be adhering to is mine.

Though I  know that many will not agree with what I'm doing, and find it a waste of time. But think about it, think about the time wasted feeling bitter about being stuck in a place you don't want to be, think about the time wasted wondering every single morning wondering what the fuck am I doing here.

Maybe it is the frivolity of youth frolicking in my heart, spurring me on, like how a child jump into the deep end of the pool despite knowing of it's risks. Knowing that I'm young and free not tied down by responsibilities, having the power to choose what I want to be is indeed comforting.

Better to be curious, lost  and wandering, than to be stuck in a choice that you've made just because it seemed like an easier way out.

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