Version 2.0

It has been one month since I've turned 20. The big 2.  Truth to be told,just like the previous years 17,18,19 I don't feel anything much about it. Except for one difference.

I felt like my life was worth celebrating. For the first time in my 19 years of living, breathing and being an occupant of space, I felt like I have something really worth living for. I've never been more certain about what I want to do in life and that even as I sit here typing feeling burdened and slightly moody while sleep eludes me, I do feel happy that I've found meaning in my life.

I'm sitting in this shell, a shell that will bear the scars of age and time, but the contents of the shell it's infinite.

Our minds, our thoughts it's infinite. Time won't scar our minds unlike the harsh marks it would eventually leave on our bodies. At the risk of sounding fucking cliche, time is like a mentor in everybody's lives it heals, it removes the veil of ignorance that youth has wrapped tightly around our eyes.

It is pretty funny how our troubles in the past seem trivial and insignificant, as compared to the troubles in the present, and eventually our troubles in the present would cease to bother us anymore and would instead be replaced by whatever problems we will face in the future.

Everything is changing every minute, every second. Nothing is ever the same at any two moments. One thing that I've noticed the past year, I can feel myself changing every single day. The 'Me' last week, and the 'Me' this week feels like two different people.

Maybe it's youth talking, maybe it's the incoherent gibberish sprouting me at 4.15AM talking, but right now I feel like my mind it's a malleable blob of flesh, I can be whatever and whoever the fuck I want to be.

Nothing is really impossible nowadays, there are gay penguins, piano playing cats,a gorilla who knows sign language. Sometimes I feel like nothing can surprise me anymore, but of course I would have to take my words back eventually. The world can be such a fucking weird place sometimes.

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